Past teaching evaluations
Bachelor, Master and Postgraduate program theses I have (co-)supervised
PhD theses I have co-supervised/evaluated
Bachelor, Master and Postgraduate program theses I have (co-)supervised
- Einflusskanäle - Eine empirische Untersuchung wirtschaftlicher Interessen in der multilateralen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der Europäischen Union
- China's Belt and Road Initiative – Bilateral Relations and Geopolitical Tension between the People's Republic of China and the European Union
- Religiously Motivated Assistance? A Subnational Empirical Analysis of Saudi Arabia's Aid Allocation
- Is Civil Sea Rescue a "Pull Factor" for Irregular Migration? Evidence from the Central Mediterranean Sea Passage
- Changes in the Determinants of China's Health Aid Allocation to Africa: An Econometric Analysis
- Mining and Undermining: The Effect of Resource Extraction on Local Government Quality
- Ist nachhaltiger Wohlstand möglich? Eine Literaturübersicht
- Do Mining Megaprojects Have a Cursing Effect in Mongolia? An Empirical Analysis
- Long-run Effects of the Transatlantic Cotton Trade on Racial Education Disparities in the Deep South of the United States
- Allokation chinesischer Covid-19 Impfstoffe - eine ökonometrische Analyse von Hilfslieferungen
- Chinese Aid, Favoritism and Living Standards in the Global South
- Hometown Favoritism in China: An Empirical Analysis
- The Impact of Chinese Aid in Bilateral Trade Relations with the Global South
- The Globalization-Inequality Nexus and the Welfare State: A Literature Review
- Is Aid for Trade Effective for Recipient Countries or Is It a Tool for Donor Countries to Enhance Their Trade Capacities?
- Local Labour Market Effects of Chinese Aid Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Geospatial Impact Evaluation
- The Effecs of Liberal Economic Policies on Human Trading: An Empirical Analysis
- Returns to Education in China: Do Migrant Children Fare Worse than Their Urban Peers?
- Political Tension and Bilateral Trade: Empirical Evidence from Official Meetings with Taiwan
- Eine empirische Analyse der Determinanten saudi-arabischer Entwicklungshilfe
- Determinanten chinesischer Waffenexporte
- Introducing a New Dataset for Investments in Greenland
- Beyond Europe: Implications of Brexit on UK Development Aid
- An Empirical Analysis of the Link between Human Rights in Recipient Countries and Chinese Aid Allocation
- Allocation Criteria for Chinese Infrastructure Assistance: An Econometric Analysis
- Is China's Aid Allocation Consistent with International Development Goals? A Sector-specific Empirical Analysis
- The Effects of International Development Aid on Migration Intentions
- The Distribution of Development Finance within China: an Empirical Analysis at the Regional Level
- China’s Economic Cooperation and its Public Perception Abroad: Empirical Evidence from Latin America
- The Effect of Tropical Cyclones on Economic Development Disentangled - A Panel Data Analysis Using Geodata
- The World Food Programme and its Allocation of Aid – Does Executive Board Membership Matter?
- The Determinants of China's Outward FDI Activities: An Empirical Approach
- European Union Aid Architecture: Rethinking Comparative Advantage
- Human Rights Violations and Trade with China: An Empirical Analysis
- China im Zeitalter der Globalisierung
- Liberalisierung des Agrarhandels: Wachstumsimpuls für die Entwicklungsländer?
- Wohlfahrtseffekte von Handelsliberalisierung: Mögliche Auswirkungen eines Abschlusses der Doha-Runde
PhD theses I have co-supervised/evaluated
- Lukas Wellner (University of Göttingen, 2023): The Impact and Implementation of International Development Finance
- Johannes Matzat (University of Göttingen, 2023): Essays in Political Economy – Drivers of Polarization
- Lennart Reiners (University of Göttingen, 2023): Local Dimensions of Development
- Tatiana Orozco García (University of Göttingen, 2023): Decision Making in Fragile Settings
- Andrea Cinque (University of Hanover & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2023): Essays on International Migration and Development
- Angelika Budjan (Heidelberg University, 2022): Financing for Sustainable Development: Emerging Issues and Actors
- Matthias Fett (HSU Hamburg, 2021): High Life: The FIFA World Cup and Its Economic Effects
- John Cruzatti C. (Heidelberg University, 2021): Geography, Economics, and Power: Global Assessments of Development with Geo-Referenced Data
- Kerstin Unfried (University of Göttingen, 2021): The causes and consequences of violent conflict
- Ana Mie Horigoshi Reis (Université Paris Dauphine, 2020): L'aide internationale et gouvernance
- Melvin Wong (University of Hanover, 2020): Spatial dimensions of social unrest and armed violence
- Noémie Zurlinden (University of St. Gallen, 2020): Essays in Development Economics
- Tien Viet Nguyen (University of Birmingham, 2019): Three Essays on Environment, Economics, and Politics
- Daniela Wenzel (HSU Hamburg, 2018): Empirical Essays in Climate Economics