Organization of Conferences, Workshops and Public Lecture Series
Since 2014, I have (co-)organized several conferences, workshops and lecture series in Heidelberg, Hamburg, Kiel and Göttingen. Global China Conversations
17th Annual Workshop of the Households in Conflict Network "Conflict, Migration, and Displacement"
Lecture Series "China's Economic Rise - Political Transformations in Asia and Beyond"
Online Opening Conference of the Kiel Institute Africa Initiative and the Kiel Institute China Initiative “China’s Economic Engagement in Africa”
Development Economics Poster Workshop
Beyond Basic Questions Workshop
HSU Empirical Research in Economics (HERE) Seminar
2nd HSU-IfW-Workshop in Development and Environmental Economics
1st HSU-IfW-Workshop in Development and Environmental Economics
Talks on Migration Policy (Migrationspolitische Gastvorträge)
3rd FHM Development Economics Workshop: Globalization and Distributional Conflict in Developing Countries
Workshop "Tracking International Aid and Investment from Developing and Emerging Economies"
Public lecture series “The End of Globalization? Understanding Challenges to International Cooperation”
Symposium "Geospatial Analysis of Disasters: Measuring Welfare Impacts of Emergency Relief"
Workshop “South-South Development Cooperation: Chances and Challenges for the International Aid Architecture”